Evergreen House | Salesforce implementations

Visual Force pages:

What are 'Visual Force pages' ?
Although Salesforce can be configured to give amazing business functionality, it has relatively limited ability to customise the user interface. The standard Salesforce layout allows you to position fields and layout according to the user or the 'record type'. But what if you need to show some Google Maps, and add information from an external website? What if you need to make the webpage available on your website - and look just the same as the other pages? This is where Visual Force comes in. By integrating html (the language of the web), your style sheets and Salesforce Apex commands, a truly unique look can be achieved.
How does Evergreen House do this?
We asses the 'look and feel' you are after and produce a seires of 'story boards' to show what the final result will be. We are then able to build this solution in-house, or for larger projects, use an off-shore development company. However, we have over 5 years experience in building Visual Force pages, as such the work will ususally be done in-house.

Visual Force Pages