Evergreen House | Salesforce implementations

Application Integration:

What are Salesforce 'Apps' ?
Salesforce has a website call 'The App Exchange'. Here you will find thousands of 'plug-ins' or 'Applicatioins' which will integrate with your Salesforce system. These are often free and add functionality that you would like to use. Examples are: data cleaning Apps to prevent duplicates from entering your Salesforce system, mass-email tools, SMS integration, data-integration for external systems etc.
How does Evergreen House find the best App for my Salesforce system?
Ultimately this is down to experience. Since we have added thousands of Apps to customer's Salesforce systems we have in-house knowledge of what does (or doesnt) work. We are not commissioned to recommend a particuar app as they are all difference. We will however recommend the best App for your business.
How does Evergreen House install and test the App?
After assessing your needs we will recommend an App and install it into your sandbox (development environment). Here you can test it to ensure it provides the required functionality. We will then include it in your 'live' production Salesforce system.
What if the App doesn't do what we require?
For some reason the App is not performing as expected. Apps are simple to uninstall and will not effect your Salesforce system.
Other information
Since an App is a pre-configured' collection of code, objects and visual force, it is possible for Evergreen House to build you a custom solution from scratch. Although this may add significantly to the complexity and cost of the project, there are some times only a custom solution will do. In which case read out 'Development' page.

Salesforce Apps